New homes project group: meeting 1
We met on Wednesday 17th April at the Community Centre.
The first part of the meeting was run by Neal Purvis, who is the independent chair from Open Communities. He went through the process of building new council homes, which starts with consultation with residents before going to a planning application. There are many, detailed requirements for good design, for example:
Minimum space per dwelling
Building height must fir existing buildings
Preserving trees and green space
Design considers children, elderly and disabled people
Communal space for play
Adequate daylight - must have multiple windows and not all north facing
The building's external appearance is tenure blind
Avoid overlooking and overshadowing existing buildings
Plan for impact on local transport
In the second part of the meeting, architect Will Durston presented three initial layouts:
Street edge
Street edge and mews
Linear park
Will Durston presents the architect's initial ideas
Street edge
Street edge and mews
Linear park
For each design, the new community centre is located away from its current location, so that the new one can be built before the old one is demolished. Each design includes space for the multi use game area, but there is not yet a specific place for the children's play area. This would go in the green area.
You can see more detail of each design
A view of each design over the houses on Buller Close. Top: linear park. Bottom left: street edge and mews. Bottom right: street edge.
View past Bunbury House of the mews (top) the linear park (bottom left) and the street edge layout (bottom right).